Hemp Chair

How can one create a shell chair in multiple parts using a molding tool?

My project is based on the production of a chair. The chair is desired to be made from a sustainable material, and it has been decided that the production method should also be sustainable in nature. These considerations have been pervasive and have culminated in a chair. The chair is manufactured using a hemp composite material and is designed as a double-curved shell chair. The reason for this choice is that this particular design best utilizes the inherent strengths of the material.

Materials: Hemp Composite, Steel 
KADK 2019

The design involves harnessing the flexibility of hemp to form an enveloping collar around the double-curved shell. This collar serves as the completion of the seat and back, creating comfort while also forming a bonding surface around the entire shell. It is the collar that enables the bonding of the two independent shells into one, thereby creating a chair built from two identical shells that function as both back and seat simultaneously.

Emilie Rohde
@Emilie.rohde          Emilierohde56@gmail.com